Monday, August 18, 2014

Please Protest Peacefully.

This isn't a typical SPortz Yak blog today. Right now, St. Louis Mo is in a state of emergency. Michael Brown was shot, and killed on Saturday Aug. 9, 2014, by a Ferguson Mo. police officer. Since that incident occurred, there has been very high tension between law enforcement and citizens.

I have really tried to remain objective, as the unrest has continued to mount in my city. But I can no longer hold back my disappointment. From the police, to the media, the situation has gone beyond unruly, and all sides are responsible. I will not even comment on the Ferguson police dept., or their Chief, other than to say this. When this is all over, I hope the citizens of Ferguson demand, and get, his resignation. Moving on.

Let's get one thing straight. The people who continue to loot & pillage businesses, in and around Ferguson, and confront police, ARE NOT PROTESTERS!!! PLEASE Stop reporting that Police are deploying tear gas on "Protesters." Those people are criminals, & the vast majority of those criminals, aren't even residents of Ferguson.

The REAL Protesters, have been peaceful and compliant, from the beginning. They want answers. They want justice for Michael Brown. They do not want the violence and destruction, taking place in the streets every night.

The looters and agitators, throwing flaming cocktails, destroying businesses, and shooting at police, are NOT protesting the Mike Brown situation. They are out for PERSONAL gain only. Again, I say the media should stop calling them protesters, and start calling them what they are. Criminals.
I think its an insult to the Brown family, and the citizens of Ferguson, who have been seen side by side with police, trying to prevent the violence. They have pleaded with everyone to protest PEACEFULLY.

They, (the criminals), don't understand how much their actions are giving the police justification to use gas, and rubber bullets. Perhaps they just don't care. They want to see themselves on TV, out there robbing places, before they blend in with those who are out for Justice. Then it appears to the world, on camera, that police are drawing down on the innocent citizens of Ferguson. They are NOT! Police are trying to protect those citizens and businesses.

These criminals turn peaceful, positive protest vigils by day, into an unruly situation, by night. Even with a curfew imposed, they continue to taunt, threaten, and even attack the police. Then they wonder why canisters are deployed?

"Why are we being treated this way by the people sworn to protect us? If we can't trust police, who can we trust?"

Sorry criminals! You cannot have it both ways. I have YET to see police lines move against the PEACEFUL Protesters. In fact, I have seen officers walking hand in hand, with the citizens of Ferguson. Unfortunately, the criminals are blending in with the majority of peaceful demonstrators, and making the situation much worse. It all needs to stop.

Everyone is issuing challenges these days. Here's a challenge for the criminals and looters out there, making the whole city look bad around the World.

Stop It!

I challenge everyone to protest this murder, yes I believe Michael Brown was executed, peacefully. I know the outrage reaches beyond the Ferguson, and beyond the St. Louis City limits. This is a national epidemic. Still criminals, you are NOT being part of the solution. You may be fanning the flames, and drawing attention, but you are not solving any of your issues, with your actions. BE SMART!!

I challenge everyone to protest peacefully, and channel the anger into something positive. Stop destroying the businesses that choose to operate in the community. Stop giving the police a reason to become aggressive, because they have shown all week, that they will move on you. They are simply doing an unpleasant job. A job they are sworn to do, and they WILL do, when provoked.

I challenge all of St. Louis, and all of the Nation, to do better than what we have seen for the last 10 days. I also challenge the police to stop killling unarmed young blacks. We have GOT to do better than this America. We have GOT to do better than this St. Louis.

Praying for Peace in Ferguson Tonight.


‪#‎ChallengeforPeace‬ ‪#‎Ferguson‬ ‪#‎JusticeforMichaelBrown‬

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